Friday, September 9, 2022

My Top 5 News Sources

     Technology is one of the most important and useful inventions as it is a way for me to receive information. My phone, TV, tablet, and radio are just a number of ways I am able to be notified about political, pop cultural, or any of the latest news. I use my phone more than I should. If you could see my screen time, it would be high double digits. I watch these news sources on my phone every single day. I get notifications and watch any livestream or YouTube videos that were released that day from these news sources.  These news sources that I have picked out all have been a reliable source for me. When I look up breaking news on google or on social media apps, these are the first ones to pop up or that I click on. CNN, ABC News, The New York Times, Twitter, and Fox News all have useful and accurate news information that people all across the world utilize as a way of keeping up with various types of news.

1. CNN

In high school, my civics teacher would have my class watch CNN at the beginning of class to receive any information going on in the world that day. CNN is a credible source of information and does not contain any bias. I like CNN because it is one of the most unopinionated and informative resources. When I watch CNN, I am not going to be offended by someone's opinions about a political topic because the news source strictly communicates factual evidence about events going on in the world. CNN reports news as quickly as possible so we know exactly what is going on. It is not just political news, but anything from sports to weather and to entertainment. I have the CNN app on my phone since I use my phone every single hour.

I want to give you not just my opinion, but a little research as to why CNN should be recommended. CNN extends to 80 million families in the United States. If 80 million people are believing and spreading the information that CNN reports, then I think that it is accurate enough to be released into the public. For online news, CNN is one of the most popular destinations. There are many users of technology, whether they have laptops or phones. The best way of reaching millions of people is by creating apps where people around the world can have easy access to CNN news.

2. ABC News

I watch ABC News on television almost everyday. I trust this source because it is coming from credible resources that are short of bias and contain factual reporting. Whenever I look up any current news, ABC is always one of my top choices on google to click on. I watched a lot of ABC News growing up when my family and I would watch TV together after dinner. Since it is on national television, I would think that it would be credible to put out into the world. I like how ABC News gives you an opportunity to ask any questions or say your opinions and comments. They value their viewer's opinions and comments because the information getting sent out by ABC News is important and valued by the viewers. Millions of people are watching ABC News, so they should know what information is accurate or not.  

ABC news examines and records any new releases and records any new released news information so they know for sure that the news that is given out is biased or unbiased. Any information that is sent out to ABC news is accessed through professional and experienced staff who edits the material and makes sure that the information is factual and is not offending anyone. Offensive language and information is a common pattern we see everyday. ABC News is a trusted source that will provide entertainment and information that will not offend any viewer. They look for validity and reliability, just like any news source should. 

3. The New York Times

The New York Times is an article I do not use very often, but when I do I can always trust them with accurate resources. Today when I heard from a fellow student that Queen Elizabeth II has died, I immediately looked it up because I could not believe the news even though we all know her time was coming. The first news source to appear was The New York Times. They provided in depth information about her death and I believed it because all the news sources and TV stations were communicating the same information. The New York Times does not just give short and basic knowledge of information. Any reader can tell that they do their research and take the time and effort to make sure that the news is as descriptive and detailed as possible. They provide similar articles that are about the information you are reading. For example, the Queen Elizabeth II passing I discussed and read from The New York Times also gave me other articles relating to the Queen and her life. It gave information about what is going to happen after her death and who will take over her duties in England.

The New York Times article is one of the popular read articles in America. The New York Times has been around for well over 100 years, so you could figure out that they know how to publish the most accurate information. The New York Times makes sure that their curious readers who are seeking to find the most reliable sources of information are receiving that. They have broadened their topics that they discuss by providing popular information about the NFL and food recipes. Especially with football coming up, more people are going to be intrigued by the news and be more engaged with their news.

4. Twitter

Twitter is one of my most used social media apps besides TikTok. I get my information very quickly while scrolling through the app. People share and spread news about pop culture, sports, politics, etc. I go to Twitter the most if I want to know the latest political news. I like it because the app allows people from all over the world who may not be professional editors or journalists to post events that other news sources may not come across or post on their sites. I would recommend Twitter because when it comes to breaking news or exclusive news, majority of people will tweet about it. I am a big fan of any social media news and want to know right away. Twitter is my go-to. With the app, I am a click away from knowing the information and can express my knowledge or comment on the post as well as hear what others have to say.

Twitter allows for mass communication. It is also one of the first apps that journalists will scroll through and make sure they know the latest trending topics.  Over 70 percent of people that use Twitter reported that they get the majority of their news on the app. Twitter started placing popular news at the very start of people's timelines so that they would be engaged with the material.

5. Fox News

We live in a world right now where people can twist news and create bias information. Fox News ensures accurate and trustworthy data. I would deny the allegation that Fox News has bias in their news reports because it is the most recommended and I know that their news reporting works separately from their opinion journalism. I like it because I can trust the people who work for Fox News and their experience of being a part of the news channel for a while now. If I am not familiar with the reporters and the people who work there, I am less likely to listen and watch Fox News. This news source is not the most frequent one I use, but if I have nothing else to watch then this is the site I use. There are several sources I have seen saying that Fox News is biased and can not be trusted, but there is a reason why this is number 5. I recommend this source if you want quick news that is covered, but I would not make this your first resort. I do use the source when it pops up on my feed and I can say from the articles and information I have read so far from Fox News that they provide the same reports and news information as everyone else.

Fox News has over a million users worldwide. The news source used the "Fair and Balanced" motto but then gradually changed to "Most Watched, Most Trusted." As long as Fox News provides relevant information that other news sources have, I trust them enough to read and engage in their material. 

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