Thursday, October 6, 2022

EOTO #2 Reaction: Online Influencers

Online Influencers are taking over social media. Many ordinary people are given a platform to express themselves and voice their opinions. I enjoyed this presentation from one of my classmates because I am someone who is always on social media and keeps up with many influencers' lives. Online Influencers, the individuals and organizations with a supposedly high level of expertise or social influence in a given field, endorse products and place them in advertisements as part of influencer marketing. Online Influencers are people who have built up credibility in a certain area, has access to a sizable audience, and has the ability to influence others to follow their advice. In fact, when done properly, influencer marketing is quickly becoming into a crucial weapon in a company's toolbox. It is important to consider the influencers' potential impact. In the past year, 72% of people say their faith in influencers has grown, 66% of people say influencers frequently impact their buying decisions, and 64% of people say influencers even assist them in discovering new products. For retailers, all of this is quite important. 

You can earn a bit of money as an influencer. Additionally, you may gain some notoriety and admiration from your following. But if you aren't authentic and genuine, it could be challenging to build a great, long-lasting personal brand. When you put yourself out there, people like to impersonate you online by making a fake account that looks like your personal one. Identity theft is a common issue in the world of social media and can be harmful when the theft posts content that could damage your reputation or image. While being an online influencer, there are other influencers who want to work with you. Those influencers you work with can be both a bad and good thing. When working or collaborate with other influencers, this allows both of you to grow your accounts. Their fans recognize or get to know you, through the influencer you are collaborating with. The bad aspect of collaboration is when they use you for clout. Fake friendships can happen when you meet another influencer and all they want from you is your fame. They can ask to collaborate and then wants that is accomplished, they can potentially never talk to you again. That means that they just wanted the attention from your followers. 

Similar ways that influencers can drive the economy exist. They have developed a new market by connecting with followers on social media. As more people become influencers, the demand for professional assistance in content creation may result in job opportunities. Influencers have the power to draw attention to and support for vital causes. Leading influencers frequently take part in social activism. Especially during the Black Lives Matter movement, there were many influencers that supported this movement and went to protests and organizations. This can inspire society to get involved and help with issues that arise in our society. Online influencers have a big responsibility to set a good example and use their platform for positive aspects that can create an impact on society. They help lead society to form opinions and make decisions based on what they say, do, or advertise. Several social media personalities advocate for having a positive body image and accepting oneself. Some social media influencers could also advocate harmful lifestyles, including dieting or overdoing it on exercise. Social media is one of the main aspects that cause society to feel insecure, create unhealthy habits, and become self-conscious. 

When I go online, I see influencers who pose a certain way and they might suck in their stomach to make them look skinnier. Even though all genders are on social media, this has a major effect on females. Females are more likely to develop an eating disorder. Males can still be effect when they see other males posting their bodies at the gym or they're flexing. They start going to the gym too so they can look like the influencers who create unrealistic standards. I have struggled with my body image my whole life. It got bad when I started to get social media and follow famous influencers. I would look at their bodies and want to change myself. This lead to eating disorders that I developed because I wanted to be thinner. I started to unfollow all of the influencers that encouraged my behavior and it helped me to realize that I am perfect just the way I am. Today, I only follow online influencers who preach positive affirmations and body image. I am now recovered from my bad eating habits and have posted content that is supportive of all types of bodies and shapes that we were born with and that spreads an important message. Online influencers can create a false and unrealistic image of themselves online that people might fall into and want to change themselves to look like them. They can also preach positive body image and help society change for the better. Many online influencers post their own workout routines and advice on how to change your lifestyle for the better in order to create healthy habits. Influencers may encourage young people to adopt healthy lifestyles or pro-social behaviors, but they may also set negative examples by smoking, drinking, or even engaging in criminal activity. Influencer content may potentially have an impact on the materialism and psychological health of minors. 

Online influencers are people who build a reputation whether it is good or bad. As someone who has always wanted to be an influencer, I have realized that the influencer life is not for me. Money and fame does not last forever for some people. I grew a decent sized following on TikTok in 2020. I had 165,500 followers and I used my platform to inspire others to chase their dreams. I danced on the app and I still do occasionally. It takes a lot of dedication and energy to continue to grow on the app. I wanted to grow even more, but unfortunately I was not able to. TikTok's algorithm can change and my videos were slowly doing poorly because people were not seeing them. It is hard to be confident enough to voice your opinion when everyone gets offended easily. I realized that online influencers have a hard job when it comes to taking criticism and hate. Online influencers are keeping our generation alive and impacting the world around us in many ways. They have been able to make money and grow an audience that they can influence on any topic they can imagine from a simple but effective post on their social media accounts. 

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