Monday, September 19, 2022

EOTO Technology Presentations: The Smartphone

As I was listening to the presentations of all of the technologies that our society has invented, I was fascinated about the history and evolution of the smartphone. Smartphones are used by people of all ages all over the world as a way to communicate. There are many different brands of smartphones, but they are all important to our daily lives. Smartphones are efficient and portable tools that allow us to access the internet and check social networks. Here is what I learned about the smartphone and its impact.

The first smartphone was invented in 2007 by Steve Jobs. The first debut occurred on January 9th, 2007, at the Macworld convention in San Francisco. From 2007 to 2022, the smartphone has greatly improved in how it looks and functions. For example, iPhones have evolved immensely as they have grown in size. I remember when the iPhone 3 came out and it was super small. Now, there are iPhone 13s and 14s which are way bigger and more advanced. The iPhones that we have in 2022 are completely touch screens. The iPhones in the early 2000s have a home button at the bottom of the phone. Everything we own when it comes to electronic devices are mostly full touch screens. From walkie talkies to our touch screen smartphones, the evolution of technology has become a vital use to people of all generations. 

The iPhone is a combination of a computer, iPod, digital camera, and cellular phone all into one device with a touchscreen interface. It was created to combine all these devices into one handled device that people could take with them everywhere. I can do a lot of tasks like writing a paper on my phone like I would on a computer because the iPhone is like a portable computer. It has the same apps and functions like a computer does. The first ever smartphone included a touchscreen and multiple apps that included a calculator, an address book, a notepad, and several more. It does not have many of the features that the current iPhones have, but it was the starting point to revolutionizing the look and use of smartphones.

We all know that society has an addiction to their phones, but I did not know the percentage of people that are addicted to their devices. 75.4 percent of users of the iPhone would state that they have become addicted to their devices. That is way over half which is a negative aspect of our world. We are glued to our phones that we do not realize the addiction that we have. Everywhere I go, I see people with their phone in front of their face. Whether it is in class, out in public, or with friends, phones are causing a problem that interrupts our everyday lives. We cannot concentrate when we feel the need to check our phones every 5 minutes. 

I learned that more than 5 billion people around the world are using these handheld smartphone devices on a daily basis. That is almost everyone on this earth. It is crazy to think about how iPhones have impacted everyone and how we live with the technology. This changed the game of communication by becoming a handheld communicator device that people could take with them everywhere. No more wires or antennas to help capture the best cell signals. This iPhone changed how we communicate and made it so much easier for us. I hardly use my home phone because my smartphone is always with me in my hand. Instead of being connected to a wall, we have made a device that can be easily transportable from place to place. 
Smartphones are a crucial tool that serves as our entertainment and way of communicating. With my iPhone, I use google maps to help me get to places and I surf the web if I need answers about a specific topic. From listening to the presentation on smartphones, I have learned that within the 15 years that iPhones have existed, we all use it for the same purposes. They are efficient tools that make our lives easier as we have the ability to connect with people from all over the world with just a touch of our finger. I never realized how much iPhones have changed. I have never seen the first smartphone ever invented until the presentation. The first smartphone looks so boring and not the most advanced portable device. The new and latest smartphones that come in different colors and have cool features within the phone that people can use are much more efficient and better. There is a big change between the two phones, and it is important to learn about how it started and how much of an impact it has had on society.

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